The technology

Pantos is based on ground-breaking research in the fields of oracles, relays, smart contracts and blockchain efficiency.

The vision of Pantos is to establish the first true Multi-Blockchain Token System. Acting as a layer zero network built on top of all major blockchains.

The Pantos team at Bitpanda partnered with researchers from renowned technical universities, TU Hamburg (Germany) and TU Wien (Austria) to co-develop the innovative Pantos technology. As a scientific project, we are proud to be pioneers in this field and being able to shape the future of asset tokenisation.


The Pantos documentation is the go-to place for everyone interested in learning more, from beginners to developers. Find guides and explanations on everything you need to know about Pantos.

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Our research

A core goal of the Pantos project is to contribute to the scientific community and expand our mutual knowledge base. You can find all our research in one place here - both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed.

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The code

Pantos is committed to the values of open-source development. All our code, once mature enough, is shared in our GitHub repository. This allows everyone to deep dive into and leverage the code that powers Pantos.

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The Pantos network

Pantos user

Signs off a request allowing a service node to execute the token transfer on their behalf. The transfer fees are paid to the service node in PAN.

Service node

The service node is the messenger within the Pantos network. It calls the Pantos contracts on the blockchain and executes the transactions.


The blockchains are where the funds of the user reside and where the smart contracts of the Pantos network are deployed.

Validator Nodes

The network of validator nodes observe different blockchains and reach a consensus on the status of a token transfer.

Decentralisation phases

Phase one

During the initial phase, Bitpanda will act as a validator node to enable seamless token transfers between different blockchains.

Phase two

After our initial phase, we will quickly move to a fully-decentralised approach, making it possible for anyone to run a validator or service node.